Gretas stage credits as actress include:
Sophiensäle Berlin, Mind the Gap Dance Theatre, Wuppertal, Theater zum westlichen Stadthirschen Berlin, The Theatre of Dramatic Art Moscow, Theatre Mali Warsaw,
Academy of the Arts Berlin, Gasteig Black Box Munich, Künstlerhaus Bethanien Berlin, GITIS Akademie Moscow, Theater Zerbrochene Fenster Berlin or Theater am Halleschen Ufer. Latest performances
were during the 2021 Travers Camp III. in Copenhagen, THE CITY AS A STAGE, a multidisciplinary performance directed Stefan Kaegi (Rimini Protokoll) and WRITING ON THE WALL, directed by Aljoscha
Begrich, Jo Preußler and Stefan Reuter.
In TV and film she worked as actress for production companies like Teamworx, Grundy UFA, Studio Hamburg, Nova Film, Journal Film, Televersal, Zentaur Film, and different film schools as the German Film Academy dffb and KHM Film School Cologne.
Greta Amend is available for challenging tasks as actress. Please find a CV here: